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2024-2025 School Calendar

Updated on Sep 03, 2024 09:57 AM by Lake, Julie
Please find the proposed 2024-2025 School Calendar attached. Keep in mind that this is the proposed calendar, but it is dependent on getting the school repaired from the flood damage. At this point in time, we are optimistic that school will be able to start on August 14th.

Note: You will notice that there is no afternoon bus service on most Wednesdays. Carrollton School District will be dismissing at 2:00pm every Wednesday this coming school year. Although we usually try to follow the public school's calendar as much as possible, we have decided it would be best for the students and teachers to just have one 1:15pm dismissal one Wednesday per month. If your child usually rides the bus on Wednesday afternoons, we ask that you make other arrangements to allow your child(ren) to remain at school for the full day on those days. On the days that we dismiss at 1:15pm, your student can stay at After School and catch the bus at 2:00pm.